Team Fortress 2 - Diamond
Project : Diamond
Game: Team Fortress 2
Statut: Polish
Gamemode : King of the hill/Captures points
Create a map shaped like a triangle
Focus on the verticality
Mix closed and open areas to vary the gameplay for each class
Propose a dense level to encourage group dynamics.
Paper prototype
Before starting the blocking on Hammer, I made several sketches to design the layout in adequation with the gameplay of each class.
After several tries, I settled for a diamond shape:
The map is symmetrical to respect the other levels of team fortress 2
It’s easier for new players to not get lost if there are in the enemy’s territory
The spawn of each team is physically close but separated by an impassable wall.
At the start, I was focused on the King Of The Hill (KOTH) game mode:
Because it’s a game mode that I’m comfortable with
It’s easy to make playtest on it because rounds don't last long
Molecule Level
Before starting the blocking
I increased the size of the map to be more polyvalent.
I added a new game mode on it, capture points
I made the molecule level to see the various traffic junctions.
The molecule draft brings me a global vision of the map and saves me time before starting the blocking.
Top View
The map is divided in 3 main paths
To bring several ways to attack for the players
To avoid the map to be to labyrinthic
Each of the axes favors a different approach (short, medium and long range)
To facilitate the player navigation, each axis had several accesses:
It dynamises traffic flows by allowing them to change paths
Players can surprise their opponents and attack them from the rear
Use of gameplay mechanics
Each control points are designs to uses characters’ mechanics:
The central control point is based on the verticality with it 3 floors
Interior spaces are useful for middle and short-range weapons like the Pyro’s flamethrower or the Heavy’s minigun
The pit is for the Pyro to airblast enemies into and kill them instantly.
The 3 floor levels can be used for rocket jumping
Stairs can be used for the Spy to do trickstabs
Lateral points promote long-range weapons
Covers are clearly defining with low walls
Soldiers and Demomans can easily travel with rocket jumps
The surrounding platforms allow Scouts to jump everywhere
Open-areas help snipers
The Heavy can defend/attack while protecting himself behind walls
The last control points are asymmetrical fights, attackers have more access, but defenders are close
Spawns are spaced to avoid spawnkill
Fenders around the point are used to break the snipers’ line of sight.
Walls protect:
Engineers’ buildings their sentries
Medics healing their mates
Lateral axles help the Spies infiltrate the defences.
During the production, I made several playtests for improve the map
- They were made with around 12 players
Based on 2 sessions of 1 hours 30 minutes on each game modes
You can find the documents below
Control points heatmap